
The Ultimate Guide for switching from a PC to a Mac
(Part 2 - coming soon)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A preview saved in iWork files!

This tip is for both Tiger and Leopard.  There is a checkbox in the Save dialog of Pages that I wondered for a while what it actually did.  It is "Include a Preview in document".  Before Leopard came along, I was wondering whether that was required for QuickLook to display it, but it is not.  I finally figured out that what it does and it is that it includes a smaller PDF version of the document in the file.  It makes the file larger, but it can be useful.  After checking it out closely, I noticed that it does make a difference in QuickLook.  Here is the difference:
The original document:

The way it looks without preview:

With preview:

The option in the "Save" dialog:

So what I understand from that is that the QuickLook plugin for iWork is not perfect and won't display logos and such.  The PDF plugin is much better.  The feature could also be useful on a PC.  On a Mac, it is easy to access the saved PDF by right-clicking on the Pages file and choosing "Show Package Content".  The PDF called Preview is then in the QuickLook folder.  I don't know how this could be done, but on a PC, if there was a way of accessing the "Package Content", you could simply look at the PDF (because you wouldn't be able to read a Pages file).  If you always want to save PDF previews in your documents and don't want to have to think about it (hard drive space is so cheap nowadays), you can do it by checking "Include preview in document by default" in Pages preferences.


Blogger bootlessjam said...

The .pages file you see on OS X is just a folder. On windows you can easily open the folder to see the pdf inside.

November 9, 2007 at 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same deal for Keynote

November 11, 2007 at 2:25 AM  

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